Under the new show theme “City IoT — a sustainable and liveable future”, Thailand Lighting Fair (THLF) and Thailand Building Fair (THBF) returned to Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) October 28 — 31, 2019.

Held concurrently with Secutech Thailand, the three trade fairs brought together more than 200 brands and companies to showcase the latest smart city solutions. The trade fairs also consisted of diversified event programme sessions to foster in-depth discussion on diverse topics surrounding the development of a sustainable and liveable future.
Hubert Duh, chairman and managing director of Messe Frankfurt New Era Business Media Ltd, discussed the highlight of the two trade fairs this year: “ASEAN cities are booming, and this gives rise to the need for building sustainable and liveable cities of tomorrow. In the past four days, global exhibitors congregated at the fairground to unveil advanced smart city solutions and technologies.”
THLF and THBF presented a vast array of products, including building IoT solutions, smart parking systems, IoT communication protocol technologies, energy-saving solutions in lighting and LED technologies, and power generation technologies.
In addition to diverse solutions brought by exhibitors, THLF and THBF also brought together key stakeholders, academics, industry experts and solution providers at the thought-provoking event programme to share insights, experience and case studies on smart building solutions and technology, energy efficiency and other key issues. Conference programme topics included:
- The global communication protocol for smart homes and buildings, organized by KNX
- Digital utility of the future for a smart and sustainable city, organised by PEA
- Buildings and the energy disruption era, led by DEDE
- Smart cities and sustainable urban development conference
Different seminars and focus groups invited renowned speakers to discuss diverse building and lighting applications, including smart factories, smart cities, sustainable development and energy usage.
The text/image source: TSNN, official exhibition websites Thailand Lighting Fair 2019, Thailand Building Fair 2019, Secutech Thailand 2019
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