Thermprocess — the international trade fair for thermal process technology — is heading to China. As part of wire and Tube China from 23 to 26 September 2020 in Shanghai, Messe Dusseldorf Shanghai, together with its Chinese and international partners, will be organising a 500-square-metre pavilion dedicated to the full range of thermal processing technology.

The Chinese market for this particular segment of metallurgy is booming. Exports to China from Germany alone reached a new 5-year high in 2019, and imports from the industrial nations Japan and Italy are also increasing.
“We have been toying with the idea of placing individual brands from Bright Worlds of Metals on selected international markets and thereby adding an extra event to our Metals and Flow Technologies portfolio for some time now,” Gerrit Nawracala, Deputy Director Global Portfolio Metals and Flow Technologies, explains the background to this strategic decision. “What is more, with some 45,000 trade visitors and around 1,650 exhibitors, wire and Tube China is the ideal framework for this première.”
The initial feedback from the industry is very positive.
“There is a lot of interest in the Chinese market on the part of our Thermprocess exhibitors. Given that, talks with our customers are as promising as you would expect,” reports Jennifer Dubelt, Senior Project Manager Messe Dusseldorf.
The full range of thermal processing technologies will be presented in China: suppliers of industrial furnaces, industrial heating equipment as well as plant engineering, drive technologies, fuel technology, power and thermal engineering, heat treatment and technology, heating equipment, heat pumps and other accessories.
The text/image source: Expodatabase, official exhibition website Tube China 2020
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