The European Tissue World is held every two years, the next edition will take place March 16 to 18, 2021 in Dusseldorf. More than 170 exhibitors from all over the world and more than 3,500 visitors from over 100 countries are expected.

Tissue World, the world's largest international trade fair and conference for the manufacture of paper tissues, will be held at the Messe Dusseldorf venue in 2021 and therefore in Germany for the first time in its more than 25-year history.
The Singaporean organizer UBM, which belongs to Informa, chose Düsseldorf as its new European location after an in-depth location analysis, having previously staged two editions of Tissue World each in Barcelona and Milan.
"Germany is where many of our most important exhibitors are based and Düsseldorf is our absolute ideal location. The city not only has excellent infrastructure but also charm. We like that", says Agnes Gehot, deputy event director at Informa Markets and in this role also responsible for the Tissue World fairs in the USA, South America and Asia.
The text/image source: Expodatabase, official exhibition website Tissue World Dusseldorf 2021
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