The first half of 2019 has been weaker for the exhibition industry in terms of revenue growth compared with 2018, but there is still an overall positive trend for the year in relation to revenue.
With regard to operating profit, 80% of companies maintained a good level of performance in 2018, and more than 40% of companies from all regions declared an increase of more than 10% compared with 2017. However, the prospects for 2019 are currently lower globally, in line with the worldwide slowdown of economic growth. These are the central results of the 23rd UFI Global Barometer research, published twice a year, taking the pulse of the industry. The barometer includes data from a record 322 companies in 57 countries and regions.
Results also indicate that the top business issue within the industry remains the "State of the national/regional economy" (selected by 24% of all respondents), ahead of "Competition within the industry" and "Global economic developments" (each selected by 19%). The barometer also includes a section on the state of digital conversion within the industry. The results show a "Digitisation Implementation Index" of 27, indicating that the commitment towards digitisation is not wholly spread.
"Exhibitions mirror markets – therefore a slowdown in global economic growth also affects the exhibition industry, as this latest edition of our UFI Global Barometer shows. But the data also proves that exhibitions are not just resilient, but show a consistently strong performance and growth opportunities in many core markets around the world," says Kai Hattendorf, UFI Managing Director/CEO.
The text/image source: Expodatabase, official website UFI
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