Wellfairs, Meerbusch, has entered into a long-term partnership with Fair Connections, Peking, which will take international exhibition for vegan lifestyle Veggieworld out of Europe to Asia.

Under the partnership agreement signed on September 1, 2019, licencing rights for Asia, the Middle East and Oceania are now in the hands of Fair Connections. China is regarded the fastest growing vegan market in the world.
In the words of CEO of Wellfairs, Hendrik Schellkes: “With the help of local partners, managing Europe-based events from Germany has never been a problem. Accessing other continents, on the other hand, has proven difficult. Now, with our long-standing partnership with Michael Dreyer and Ken Zheng from Fair Connections, the Veggieworld name could not be in better hands.”
Over the next twelve months, Fair Connections will be taking Veggieworld to Peking (November 8 to 10, 2019), Hong Kong (March 7 to 8, 2020), Shanghai (May 15 to 17, 2020) and Shenzhen (August 2020). In the near future, we can also expect to see editions in Bangkok and Singapore alongside other locations across China. For the medium term, Veggieworld will also be held in Korea and Japan, as well as the Middle East and Australia.
The text/image source: Expodatabase, official exhibition website Veggieworld 2019
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