The exhibition for event organisers Venues + Events Live returns this Autumn (18th — 19th September, Old Billingsgate) and launches in Manchester (24th September, Manchester Central) with more show features and exhibitors than ever before.

We understand the busy life of PAs and EAs. Spending your time as efficiently as possible is a priority when you have a tremendous workload. At Venues + Events Live, our mission is to tackle that by making your life just a little bit simpler. Your experience at Venues + Events Live will leave you full of up-to-date, need-to-know information — more so than any year before.
Here are some of the exciting things visitors will see at both shows:
Educational Sessions: important face-time with key industry experts to get top tips on how to improve efficiency when venue hunting and planning events. Previous speakers have included big-names such as Deliciously Ella to and Grace Dent.
Masterclasses: learn about everything, from what cocktails and wine to use at your events, to how to hack stress levels and confidence issues at work. These practical classes will give you the opportunity to develop new skills to take back to the office with you.
Hundreds of the industry’s best exhibitors: leading hotels, venues, bars, restaurants and event suppliers will be in attendance as we aim to decrease the weeks you spend on research, online planning and phone calls by providing you with the latest information from the best industry suppliers.
The text/image source: Event Industry News, official exhibition website Venue and Events 2019
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