From 23 to 25 October, all the major international wine and spirit producing countries will be at the Vinexpo Shanghai trade show. Buyers will have the chance to taste and order wines from France, Italy, Spain, Chile, Australia, South Africa, Germany, Argentina, and of course China!

Alongside 260 wineries from 19 different countries, Vinexpo Shanghai will also be presenting an exciting programme of masterclasses and talks. The 3 days of the show are punctuated by tastings of exquisite wines and meetings with internationally-renowned experts, all designed to showcase and share this exceptional know-how.
Vinexpo Shanghai also represents an opportunity to come and learn the art of tasting from the best sommeliers in Asia, Europe and the rest of the world! Marc Almert, the ASI (Association de la Sommellerie Internationale) Best Sommelier of the World 2019 will be presenting the Vinexpo Challenge, a blind tasting of 8 wines selected from among the show’s exhibitors. There is nobody better suited to sharing a few of his simple yet effective “secrets” for mastering the exercise.
The battle between the next generation of best sommeliers will be another show highlight: Martin Bruno (Best Sommelier of Argentina 2017), Raimonds Tomsons (Best Sommelier of Europe and Africa 2017) and Wataru Iwata (Best Sommelier of Asia and Oceania 2018), will be going head-tohead on stage to convince the audience of their favourites. There will be tastings of 3 red and 3 white wines, each a different grape variety. This fun and relaxed tasting will be an opportunity for these brilliant sommeliers to demonstrate and share the breadth of their expertise - and for the audience to gain some great insights.
The text/image source: official exhibition website Vinexpo Shanghai 2019
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