On 6 — 8 October 2020, the international event organizer Easyfairs will launch a Dutch edition of its successful Welding Week in conjunction with NIL (Dutch Institute for Welding Technology) at Evenementenhal Gorinchem. The event will replace NIL Verbindingsweek with the new branding “Welding Week powered by NIL”.

Easyfairs is not only offering a fully-fledged platform for welding but all forms of joining techniques. NIL will focus entirely on the organisation of the NIL/BIL welding symposium held at the same time as Welding Week.
Welding Week will take place every two years at NEXT LEVEL, the brand new upper floor of Evenementenhal Gorinchem. The trade show will feature all aspects of the joining process: bonding, joining and the cutting of metals and synthetics as well as welding.
“The introduction of ‘Welding Week Nederland’ has enabled us to take this step”, says Jeroen van Hooff, CEO of Easyfairs The Netherlands.
Welding Week will take place alongside Metavak, the metalworking event. Whereas Easyfairs will focus on organising Welding Week, NIL will focus exclusively on the NIL/BIL welding symposium, which will take place simultaneously, also at NEXT LEVEL, in one of the state-of-the-art congress facilities next to the trade show floor.
Van Hooff: “Thanks to this new setup and collaboration we can boost the quality of both the symposium and the trade show.”
For Easyfairs the launch of Welding Week in the Netherlands signals a further expansion of its European portfolio. Welding Week takes place in Antwerp once every four years. The next edition is from 19 — 21 November 2019 at Antwerp Expo. The event is well established in Belgium and this is also Easyfairs’ ambition for the Dutch sister event.
Van Hooff: “It gives us great pleasure to be able to bring Welding Week to the Netherlands. The new event will present both our exhibitors and visitors with a wonderful opportunity to make progress on an international level. With this maiden edition we will benefit from the experience of our Belgian colleagues. That is why we are spending time together. We can also benefit from each other’s networks.”
The text/image source: Expodatabase, official exhibition website Welding Week 2020
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