Rimini Fiera

Rimini Fiera SpA, has traded with a primary role on the domestic and international markets for over 60 years. It is a key player in four business areas (Travel and Tourism, Technology and Environment, Entertainment and Leisure and Hotel and Food Industry), with highly specialized exhibitions (30 annual and biennial expos, eleven of which have international classification and the majority of which are organized directly).

via Emilia, 155,47921 Rimini, Italy


  • Wi-Fi
  • Congress Hall
  • Online check-in
  • Cafes and restaurants
  • Parking

Total exhibitingarea
460 000 м²
169 000 m² indoor exhibition space
160 000 m² outdoor exhibition space

Pavilion plan

Pdf scheme

Contact details

via Emilia, 155,47921 Rimini, Italy
  • +39 0541 744200 (fax)


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